First updated January 1997
This is a compilation of responses, I received on my post about Scientology's
communications terminology. This terminology is heavily used in KEFE's
communications (with Denmark and the US) through the INCOMM Network. It
is also used for other administrative functions. These terms are some of
the ones used in KEFE communications (at least in the seized documents
that I have or read)
CO SMI INT = Commanding Officer, Scientology Missions
International International.
ML = Much Love.
COMM CHIEF OSA EU = Communications Chief, Office
of Special Affairs Europe.
---------- IAS = International Association of Scientologists
DSA = Director/Department of Special Affairs
GRE = Greece
= Europe
EU used to constitute the Scandenavian countries and Europe, but not
the UK. The headquarters is in Copenhagen. There is probably now a "continental"
office for Russia and the new countries such as Albania as it is doubtful
they would stay under EU, unless it was for initial convenience.
OSA = Office of Special Affairs
OSA EU is in Copenhagen, Denmark
DSA GRE 2 for instance is that this is a followup message of one that
initially came from Greece (DSA GRE 1 or without "1").
SMI INT MISSIONAIRE S.O. S.O. = Sea Org. This is
a missionaire from the SMI Int office. Possibly a liaison between the Sea
Org and SMI INT? SO also stands for "standing order." You might have a
standing order here. Depends on the context.
UL = Up Lines
WDC = Watchdog Committee
SH SIZE RECRUITMENT = Saint Hill Size Recruitment
AOSH = Advanced Organization Saint Hill
Remimeo = means that it's to be copied and distributed
(ie, not secret information). Other possibilities are Limited Remimeo,
Non-Remimeo, and there may be a couple of others.
OPS = Operations
CSW = Completed Staff Work -- basically a proposal
submitted uplines (to one's superior), who will either okay it or reject
X-DSA = probably ex-DSA (former DSA) or Executive
Director of Special Affairs. ----------
---------- The 7 divisions of a non SO org are:
Hubbard Executive Secretary. This post is over the divisions: HCO, Dissemination
and Treasury.
HCO is Division 1, Dissem is Division 2 and Treasury is Division 3.
HCO stands for Hubbard Communication Office and is responsible for
handling of recruitment, communication and ethics.
Dissem is responsible for getting existing scientologists into the
org and on lines. They send out promotional mail and letters and handle
people when the show up at the org.
Treasury has 3 sections: Income, Disbursements and Records Assets and
Material (RAM).
PES = Public Executive Secretary. Presides over the
Public division. Responsible for getting new people into the org.
BODY REG = Body Registrar. There are essentially
Letter Registrars and Body Registrars.
The Body Reg handles people who are physically in an org. The Letter
Reg is supposed to write letters good enough to entice existing scientologists
to come in to continue training/processing.
---------- The positions HCOES, PES and Body Reg are all part of a
regular scientology org (also sometimes known as a class IV org.) The HCOES
and PES are subordinates of the Executive Director (ED) of the org. There
is no higher position in an org than ED.
The HCOES may be over the two technical divisions. There was another
Executive Secretary over the Tech and Qual divisions: the OES (Org Exec
Sec. Then there was the PES, Public Exec Sec, but that was mainly for the
9 division board, which fell into disuse.
Later on, Hubbard put in the Product Officer and Establishment Officer
as sort of free floating executives. According to Hubbard, the Product
Officer "names products and gets them" and the Establishment Officer makes
sure the organization is in place to get those products (cope and organize).
The position of OPS exists in many kinds of orgs but *not* in a class
IV org.
DVs or DVS = Disbursement Vouchers. Approval for
EC = Executive Committee. The EC of an org is composed
of HCOES, PES and the person over Tech
JOI = Judge of Investigation ?
"This book needs to be M9'ed, sidechecked ...". This
actually is a method of control and a way to DIMINISH understanding by
reducing critical thought. M9 is where the text is read aloud and if you
stumble or pause, it means there is a word you don't understand. Not that
there is something wrong in the text but somethign wrong with YOU.
"The new perception line has not been found". Hubbard
used the word "line" to indicate a channel of communication or vector.
For instance he had a maxim that said "the bank follows the line of attack".
This would, as an example, be used to explain mob action. The leader creates
a "line of attack" and the banks (the reactive minds) of the mob naturally
follow the attack vector or line. My first guess for a definition of "perception
line", would be something like a preconceived or preestablished way of
receiving information.
"The PRO is going on with O/Ws and conditions on her
false stats". Public Relations line: Hubbard's theory
is that a person is held back from doing well in a particular area because
of overts. An overt is something a person does which is contra-survival
action (by their own consideration). An overt causes the person to withdraw
from an area. Following the overt is a attempted hiding of that overt and
this hiding is referred to as a withold. (i.e. you steal something and
hide your participation in the theft - overt and withold.) Actual:
In Scientology an overt is what is considered wrong by the organization!
This idea that an overt is what YOU think you did wrong is one of the scams.
Otherwise what the Greek government is doing is not an overt as they don't
think so! No, an "overt" is what Hubbard and the group disagree with. Simple
as that. That's why you study what is a "crime" and a "misdeameanor" and
when you write up OWs, that is why they must be approved by an Ethics Officer,
because they don't trust YOU to know what is a crime. Typical:
Running Overt/Witholds is a method where the person is asked about the
overts they have committed and then being asked about the attempts to hide
the overt(s). When the person is able to talk about those things, then
Hubbard felt that a persons "reach" into that area where the overt occurred
would be increased and enabling the person to more effectively work in
that area. Actual: The scam is that you learn to avoid the
area! That's the control! Example: you complain about a senior. That's
an overt. You come to learn to not complain about a senior! You don't learn
to do it! You learn to AVOID it! That's the control and they do it by making
you think you are doing the opposite!
"I was pulled onto a flap". A flap is a unfavorable
situation with negative impact. An example of a flap would be a scientologist
arrested and the newspapers reporting on it.
[This was probably sent to OSA EU by the former Board Chairman of KEFE,
Ilias Gratsias, after an interview in TELETORA TV, which was a Public Relations
disaster for KEFE].
From the bottom up here is the way the regular scientology orgs are
Class IV Orgs
Saint Hill Orgs
Advanced Orgs.
Each of the level of organizations supplied a different set of services.
When the scientologist finished at one, they were supposed to naturally
migrate up to the next level of organization.
Missions, prior to 1982, were primarily independant and run by people
who, in exchange for being allowed to use Hubbards "tech", were supposedly
obligated to provide a regular flow of people to the Class IV Orgs. There
was always some services that could be given at either the Mission or Class
IV orgs. Services consisted of basic courses, (HAS, HQS, Dianetic Auditor)
and basic auditing (Dianetics). The definition of what can be given at
a Mission vs a Class IV org has been redefined a number of times. After
1982, the Missions were put under much tighter control by SMI, a SO management
Class IV orgs could offer anything that a Mission could offer plus
all auditing grades and training up to the Power Processes. (Power Processes
may or may not now be offered by the Saint Hill (SH) Organizations and
were the exclusive domain of the SH orgs). These services were essentially
Dianetics and the Grades 0-IV both training and auditing. A auditor who
completed all the training was known as a Class IV auditor (thus the name).
Saint Hill orgs offer the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Depending
on current conditions, they offered the Power Processes and sometimes (depending
on the current policies) they would offer the Clearing Course. A completion
of the Briefing course was a Class VI auditor.
Advanced orgs offered the Clearing Course, and the advanced levels,
OT 0 - VII. Offers training up to (as I recall) Class VIII.
Flag offers everything that any of the other orgs offers plus it delivers
the most advanced training and auditing not available elsewhere such as
the Class XII course and OT VIII auditing.
There is a SO management structure which I will confess I do not understand
except in general terms. The top part of this apparently exists at GOLD,
near Hemet in south of California, USA. From that position all administration
flows. The CMO (Commodore's Messenger Org) is senior to the SO, but others
say that CMO is a SO-type unit Flag units run the everyday management actions
but these are run by WDC which is run by RTC. If it is all smooth, RTC
stays with the flaps and doesn't bother with org management.All orgs above
Missions must obey the SO command structure. Prior to 1982, Missions were
very independant because they were corporately independant. It is obvious
that the SMI management arm is managing Missions much more closely since
then, but I do not know if the the Missions are still corporately independant.
KYP / EYP = The Hellenic Intelligence Agency
OC = Orthodox Church
SP = Supressive Person
Div.6 = Division 6
EP = End Phenomena / End Product
EXTCOMMOSAEU = External Communications OSA Europe
ARM = Anti Religious Movement
L or l = father Anthony Alevizopoulos
INV OFF = Investigation Office / Officer
MH = Mission Holder
ED = Executive Director / Executive Directive
PTS = Potential Trouble Source / Points
TYPE-C = PTS situation Type C (very critical)
WISE = World Institute of Scientology Enterprises
CR = Compliance Report
DR = Daily Report
WR = Weekly Report
KR = Knowledge Report
JW = Jehowa Witnesses
LRH = Lafayette Ron Hubbard / Lunatic Racist Hubbard
OT = Operating Target / Operating Thetan
VT = Vital Target
IT = Investigation Target
PT = Primary Target / Present Time
MT = Major Target
LT = Legal Target
PGM = Program
PJT = Project
PR = Public Relations
PRO = Public Relations Officer
2D = Family / Sex / second dynamic
OUT-2D = Unlawful love relationship
STATS = Statistics
ACK = Acknowledgment
RE = Regarding / Reference
ENTHETA = Negative publicity
THETA = Positive publicity
OCA = The "Oxford" 200-questions test
OL = Opinion Leader / Open Line
PL = Policy Letter / Perception Line
CSI = Church of Scientology International
DA = Dead Agenting
PI = Private Investigator