53 questions the member has to answer in order to join the INCOMM
crew (and give details) regardless of whether they had been answered before
for some other purpose. Questions such as:
Do you have a criminal record ?
Are you currently wanted by the police or government officials ?
Are you a newspaper reporter or journalist of any kind ?
Have you, any family members or close friends ever been connected to government
agencies ?
Have you had prior service in a high security section of the government
or Armed Forces ?
Are you an active drug pusher ?
Are you related to or connected to intelligence agencies either by past
history or immediate familial conections ?
How is your relationship to your spouce, and/or ex-spouce as the case may
be ?
How is your relationship to your children ?
Have you any marital or familial difficulties ?
Do you have any depts ? If YES, give complete details including who to,
amounts, when due, how you propose to pay them off ?
Have you ever engaged in any homosexuality, sodomy or bestiality of any
kind ? If so, please indicate how many times this occurred and when ?
Sample pages
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